
Notarization of the documents and signature verification

in Radio Logo's 21.02.2023 11:17
von HarryGibson • 9 Beiträge

Business documents play a crucial role in many ways these days. The deal consists not only of contracts, but also of special corporate documents aimed at making changes in the corporate structure. Overall, documents are necessary to prove or support specific facts or actions.

Therefore, if an act is not recorded in a document, it can be very difficult to prove that the act took place in the first place. However, several problems can arise in this regard - if documents are forged and the actual act did not take place, it can be very difficult to prove the opposite. That is why it is necessary to notarize corporate documents for certain actions - it serves as a protection for companies, since it is much more difficult to forge documents that need to be notarized.

The certification of the document implies that an official, i. H. a notary, authorizes a specific person to sign the document. The notary identifies the person signing the document and attaches a notary seal with notarized deed to the document. In this way, any third party can be sure that the signature of the document is real and not forged. This service is referred to as a "certified signature". However, you must be aware of the risk that the signing party does not know the contents of the document.

One of the additional/possible (depending on the company) services that can be provided is a notarization of the content of a document. In this case, not only is the signer officially identified by the notary, but the content of the document is also explained to the signer by the notary. When the contents of the document are notarized, other people can be sure that the signer knows exactly what they signed. However, this service is more expensive, complicated and time-consuming and therefore not widely used in many jurisdictions.

Confidus Solutions can help you with the notarization of signatures or documents: we have contacts with public notaries and can help you make an appointment at the time you want and prepare your documents in full compliance with notarial requirements. Contact us now to make an appointment at the notary's office.


zuletzt bearbeitet 21.02.2023 11:17 | nach oben springen

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